
Welcome to my blog.. Hope you have a nice stay!

Easter [2020]

Easter [2020]

What felt like a cold snowy Christmas morning was actually our Easter of 2020. It was one for the books!

Rewind to a few weeks ago when the shelter in places started I was filled with anxiety of making sure we truly had toilet paper, grocery items and the last thing on my mind was Easter. Then it dawned on me as I was putting my Target grocery order in when an ad popped up about Easter deals…. there was a chance things wouldn’t be back to “normal” come Easter. Cue panic and trying figure out everything I need to attempt to order NOW because shipping times were so long.

Now, I am not a Pinterest mom nor someone who goes really crazy on Holidays [I leave that for the Grandmas ;) ] but I did want to make sure our kids had a semi normal Easter. Baskets were figured out, Steve handled getting stuff for the egg hunt and only one item didn’t arrive in time, sorry Wells! I didn’t spend hours in the kitchen making cakes or bunny shaped cinnamon rolls. The house wasn’t even close to being decorated for “Spring” or Easter. However, we still had a great Easter!

Disclaimer: We DID leave the house for Easter. So if that is going to get you upset, I suggest closing this blog post and don’t continue reading.

The night before Easter we prepared the baskets and hid the eggs. Steve grew up filling eggs as a family the night before with candy and leaving it out for the “bunny” to hide. Still havnt’t fully wrapped my head around that yet, but we are going with it.

Come morning there was a winter wonderland outside! We found baskets + found all the eggs and got ready for our Easter day. This was the FIRST time since shelter in place happened that I fully got ready, like hair + makeup and real clothes. It was a weird feeling! We live streamed our church service then packed up the car to head to my parents. [I don’t feel like I have to explain this but long story short we are “quarantining” with them and my siblings all while staying away from elderly and anyone around us that is immune compromised.]

At my parents it was Easter morning on repeat. Found baskets and eggs then had brunch….and ate WAY too much. They decorated their desserts and consumed way too much sugar. Even though we were all together, it was still weird to not have my grandparents or extended family with us on this Holiday.

Once we got home we did a VERY long “quite time.” AKA, the kids watched TV and we laid around for far too long. At one point the kids wanted dinner and due to the parent laziness level we were at we had Jack make the kids dinner. I would say he got a B+ for his efforts and we had to do very little to help ;) Sandwiches, fruit and veggie was served!

Bedtime came and I was READY for some Ozarks [ which I am still not 100% into yet….] and some needed Z’s. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and weekend. If you are in MN I hope you get out in the snow today ;)

Essential Oils for [Spring]

Essential Oils for [Spring]

Life Updates [COVID-19 Style]

Life Updates [COVID-19 Style]